What is Arts Award Discover?

Find out the benefits of running Arts Award Discover with KS1 and KS2, and how to use your existing arts offer to deliver the award.

What is Arts Award?

Arts Award is a range of unique qualifications for children and young people, supporting them to explore the arts and grow as artists within their own right.

What is Arts Award Discover?

Arts Award Discover is an introductory award, suitable for primary school students – it is specifically designed for ages 5-7.

Discover is the first step on the Arts Award journey – students can also be offered Explore (plus Bronze, Silver or Gold for age 11 and over).

Children dancing with streamers

How can Discover support your national curriculum objectives?

Arts Award Discover can support Key Stage 1 (KS1) & Key Stage 2 (KS2) national curriculum objectives for music, visual art, dance and drama. Find out more and get inspiration for activities that can count towards Arts Award Discover, as well as being popular with your students.

Children painting in a classroom

Find out more about how Arts Award Discover can be delivered through different art forms:


Benefits of Discover in primary schools:

  1. A framework for KS1 and KS2 learning: helpful to all teachers of the arts, this can particularly benefit non-arts specialists and new subject leads. 
  2. Accessibility and inclusion: everyone can participate. Students go on an individual learning journey at their own pace. There is no set level that students need to achieve, as in an exam. 
  3. Teachers don’t need to be arts specialists: online training is offered by Trinity College London to run and assess the award – this also acts as valuable Continuing Professional Development (CPD). 
  4. Enjoyable and educational: it helps young people explore what they love while learning about the arts and artists. They also get a certificate to be proud of. 
  5. Embeds arts and culture within the school: Arts Award Discover works within existing school events such as Arts Weeks, Arts Days, transition projects and cultural visits.
  6. Helps to meet national curriculum aims: Whether it’s through music, visual art, dance, drama or beyond, Arts Award can be achieved via a range of arts subjects, as well as facilitating cross-curricular connections e.g. RE, History and Geography; Maths and Science; Cultural heritage.
Little girl dresses as a fairy

Download seven free resources to give you an insight into what Arts Award Discover could offer your school: